Sunday, January 17, 2010

So a week of joy. Did you feel the joy this week? Sometimes, frankly, I totally forgot the joy (like tonight with the Cowboys ... guess I'm glad next week is peace!). And while I didn't always find the joy, I did look for joy in others.

And I saw joy in my nephew's first truck bought with his own money earned by many days mowing my yard and birthday money and cleaning out garages! And the joy in a baby's whole body as it shook with laughter. And the joy in our pastor's face as his wife walked through the door. And the joy in our church when the praise team sang. And the joy in the women who returned from a weekend of Christian growth. And the joy of riding with the top down in my convertible. And the joy that I'm losing weight (praise God!). And the joy that I started a new class in seminary and it is so interesting!

JOY! ... joy is deeper than happiness. Joy is from the inside out. Joy is startled happiness. Joy is beaming. Joy is contagious. Joy is when you can't help but laugh or dance or sing.

What is joy to you?

I'm reading the One Year Chronological Bible (have to admit, it's been a year now and I'm on June 18!) and just came across 2 Chronicles 20:27-28. King Jehoshaphat of Jerusalem/Judah was about to be crushed by the men of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir who were all invading Judah. He was scared and God said "I got this. You go watch and I'll show you that the battle is not yours but mine." And God won the battle! The men went where God told them to go and saw their enemies all dead.

"Then, led by Jehoshaphat, all the men of Judah and Jerusalem returned joyfully to Jerusalem, for the Lord had given them cause to rejoice over their enemies. They entered Jerusalem and went to the temple of the LORD with harps and lutes and trumpets."

When was the last time you listened to God about your troubles, your enemies? When was the last time you didn't try to handle it yourself? Aren't you amazed when things work out to your benefit and you had nothing to do with it? Do you go to God with thanksgiving afterwards? Think of David dancing like a fool in front of the ark of the covenant. When you're joyful, you just gotta dance!

Next week is Peace. And I find it ironic that Peace starts on the day my grandmother died 2 years ago. She is, was, a beautiful guardian of God's Word to us and we love her greatly. She showed us joy from God. And we are learning peace from her as well.

What does peace mean to you? Watch for peace this week. When you need to, take a deep breath, just breath, breath in God's peace and exhale his love to those around you.

Grace and peace, my friends!


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